
Monday, June 30, 2014

French Artiste and Courtesan, Manon Loty, by Leopold Reutlinger, circa 1900

Superb portrait of Manon Loty, by Reutlinger, published by Clément, Tournier et Cie of Geneva Switzerland, circa 1900.

Mlle. Loty was such an incredible beauty. We adore this chignon! This is one out of a series by Reutlinger. Images from this series were very popular as evidenced by the fact that some of them are quite common even today. This particular image, on the other hand, is a far less common one out of the series, though not by any means rare.

16.00 USD, by redpoulaine via Etsy
16.00 USD, by redpoulaine via Etsy

We know from reading in histories not concerning her directly, that Mlle. Loty was a popular entertainer in her time. Also, we know that she was often seen at Maxime's, the famous Parisian haunt of the fabulously wealthy royals and industrialists who entered into "arrangements" with the Belle Epoque courtesans of Paris who frequented the place.

In an article appearing in a 1910 issue of Pearson's magazine, that concerned the Marguerite Steinheil case, in which Mme. Steinheil was accused (though afterwards acquitted) of the murder of her husband and stepmother, and who previously, while already married to the painter Steinheil, was found with the president of France, who had apparently died of excitement as she was making love to him (yes, it is QUITE a story), Manon Loty's name was mentioned as a casual aside. The article's author held her up as an example of a "mercenary" woman, in an attempt to excite sympathy on the part of the reader, for Mme. Steinheil.

The significance of this is twofold. First, by dropping her name casually in a popular American magazine, the writer tells us that Mlle. Loty was very well known in 1910, even in the United States.

Second, to use her in an attempt to cast in a positive light a married woman previously found in flagrante delicto with the recently deceased French president, and then later suspected of a double murder, would suggest that Mlle. Loty was also very well known for some pretty scandalous behavior! So, it is surprising to us that we have only found indirect references to her, and no solid biographical information.
Well, we'll keep searching.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Marie-Annette. Get It? French Postcard, circa 1900

17.00 USD, by redpoulaine via Etsy

Friday, June 27, 2014

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

La Charité, Charity, a Virtuous Image, posted 1902

12.00 USD, by redpoulaine via Etsy

Classic Art Nouveau Image, circa 1905

19.00 USD, by redpoulaine via Etsy

French Dancer Marie Hett, circa 1900

14.00 USD, by redpoulaine via Etsy

Monday, June 23, 2014

Princess Viktoria Luise of Prussia, circa 1908

12.00 USD, by redpoulaine via Etsy

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Wine to China, circa 1910

3.00 USD, by redpoulaine via Etsy

Friday, June 20, 2014

Beautiful Unidentified Music Hall Star, circa 1905

14.00 USD, by redpoulaine via Etsy

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Maiden with Ancient Urn, Posted 1907

12.00 USD, by redpoulaine via Etsy

Grace, Oranotype by N.P.G. of Berlin, circa 1904

12.00 USD, by redpoulaine via Etsy

Willy and the Magic Grapes, Stebbing, circa 1900

3.00 USD, by redpoulaine via Etsy

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Monday, June 16, 2014

Young Belle Epoque Artiste in a Swing, circa 1905

14.00 USD, by redpoulaine via Etsy

Art Nouveau Framed Landscape, posted 1913

4.00 USD, by redpoulaine via Etsy

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Monique Peeks Through the Theater Curtains, circa 1910

Monique peeked through the curtains. The audience was still filing in, finding seats, getting settled. Aimée pulled her back.

"If they see you before your act, Monsier Lesauvage will have you thrown out on your ear," she said.

14.00 USD, by redpoulaine via Etsy

"Oh, but, I'm just so excited. My very first solo. Me!" Monique spun in a circle. "If only my dear Pierre could see me now."

Aimée smiled smugly. Monique didn't know that Aimée had sent her friend's beau a brief note. Carefully, she opened the curtain just wide enough that she could see out. Yes, he was just arriving, the handsome young art student for whom Monique had set her cap.

"Here, look through this way, so you can see without being seen." Aimée stood aside, still holding the gather of cloth, to give Monique a peek.

"Oh, what fun is that?" Monique flounced prettily to the curtain and put her eye to the tiny gap, only to push past Aimée and stick her head out. She whistled loudly, causing heads to turn, including that of the young man she favored. "Pierre! Just wait until you see!"

Aimée pulled her back, once more, and just in time too, for down the stairs from the office, who should appear but the manager, the formidable M. Lesauvage.